TREC-STEP continuously offers innovative capacity building programmes, to address the skill development needs of the
vast segment of educated unemployed youth to very high end cutting edge technology programmes, thereby empowering young men and women to
take advantage of the emerging technical opportunities for employment and lead more productive livelihoods.
The array of programmes is really comprehensive covering research level to school drop out level as well.
Technology Skills
- Artificial Intelligence
- CNC Operations and Programming
- Technology Upgradation for Machining Industries
- Technology Upgradation for Fabrication Industries
- Technology Upgradation in Energy Technologies
- Electronic Maintenance and Servicing Technology
- Refrigeration and Air-conditioning
- Computer Hardware Technology
- Soft Skills
- Communication Skills
IT Enabled Skills
- Diploma in Computer Programming
- Diploma in Computer Applications & Communication skills
- Post Diploma in Computer Applications
- Post Diploma in Networking Technologies
- Post Diploma in Internet Technologies
- Diploma in Web Development
- Professional Certificate Programme in Pro / Engineer 2001
Management Skills
- Entrepreneurship Development Programme
- Faculty Development Programme
- Environmental Management Systems
- ISO 9000 and Total Quality Management
- Orientation Programme for Govt. Personnel